What is a Life Group

A Life group is a group of 8-12 people who do life together around Jesus. In a Life Group, expect to hear truth, feel love and support without judgement, and be challenged to take the next step in your walk with the Lord.

So, we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel but our lives as well. 1 Thessalonians 2:8


What to expect

Every Life Group is different, so you can choose one that fits you best. Many groups meet during the first weekend of every month. Life groups are a relaxed environment where you are free to be yourself. Every group has a time of connecting with one another, usually with food and good conversation.


aFA life groups


(For Young FAmilies)

Small Group designed for families with young/school aged children. We provide a kid friendly environment and supper, meeting just after nap time! Our intent is to grow together, supporting one another, celebrating one another, and challenging on another as we go through this season of life.


(For All Adults)

This group meets every Friday night at a different local restaurant for a great time of food and conversation. Check the bulletin each week or pick up the schedule on the information wall in the foyer to see where we are meeting.


(Everyone INvited)

This group focuses on building our relationship with God, and each other.


West of 50 is for age 50-somethings (or more). We meet at 6:00 pm at the church on the first Sunday of the month . We discuss the Sunday morning sermon and enjoy light refreshments and the fellowship of each other. All are welcome.